Thursday, October 31, 2013

Surviving That Time of the Month

Let's just say, I didn't do so well the last few days. Eating healthy and working out has been replaced with eating comfort food and finishing assignments. Stress + 'that time' = HELL-O CHOCOLATE! I'll admit that every bite was better than the last. Anyone who's ever felt that craving knows what I mean. Right, girls? However, after the fact, you might start to feel guilty, or put yourself down. PLEASE DON'T!

The important thing to remember is to never look back. Always move forward. You have to remember that we all have bad days, and we all fall off the horse. There's no point in asking, "Why did I fail?" The question you have to focus on is, "What can I do to get back on track?" 

Here's what I try to do:

Work out when you can. Take it easy during your period, if it's too uncomfortable. Walking, cycling, yoga, anything to just keep you moving. I find that after the first few days, I am back in full swing, and I go full force 

Drink lots of water: It should help with water retention, and it just makes me feel better, knowing that at least I'm being relatively healthy. 

Indulge if you want to! Life's too short to deny yourself everything. Just keep in mind that the more you overdo it, the harder you might have to work later on. I try to get back on track after about two days, so that I  don't let eating bad become my life again. 

Weight loss is not a sprint, its a marathon. You can't have lasting results, if you don't put in the time. Also, Please don't forget to PACE YOURSELF!

Through thick & thin,


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